Stock Up and Save
Stock up and start saving money with wholesale, bulk foods and grocery items. Buying in bulk carries loads of environmental benefits, from ditching food packaging to directly controlling portion size.
Wholesale price savings are available for all customers. This includes restaurants, care facilities, schools and more. At least a 24 hour advance order request is required depending on product. To order, call us at (925) 820-0747 or simply stop by the store.
Why Shop in Bulk?
Buying in bulk doesn’t mean you have to buy large quantities. Buying in bulk allows shoppers to make smarter decisions, by purchasing the exact amount of foods they need. In fact, it is often the best option for buying smaller quantities of some products than the packaged versions. As more of us are watching our budgets – buying in bulk has become a popular option for shoppers to save money and not pay for individual packaging, labeling and advertising. It also help reduce the amount of waste going into landfills and take less energy and other resources to produce.
Key Benefits:
What Can I Buy in Bulk?
We offer a wide variety off bulk fruits, vegetables, rice, grains, pasta, flours, beans, trail mixes, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and more. And enjoy bulk snacks and treats as well.
How to Shop in Bulk?
- Fill the bag or container (we provide these) with the amount you want.
- Write down the number you see on the bin on the provided twist tie
- Twist it on the back or place on the container
- When finished shopping, check out and the cashier will weigh and price your purchases.
Windmill Farms was much bigger than expected. Far more produce and even quite a number of usual grocery items including bread, milk, and cheese. We walked out with a full week’s grocery supplies of fruit, vegetables, and basics for nearly less than half the amount we spend at Sprouts. They even had some bulk food items, and some specialty grocery items like fancy jams. I was finally able to buy my fitness bread that I was looking for! Lots of choices for fruits and vegetables, which was to be expected. Andy why we came. A great option for getting fresh local produce. A surprisingly decent option for full grocery needs.

My mom has been coming here since I was a little kid. I have fond memories of looking through Windmill Farms bulk foods and being outside while grocery shopping. It makes me very happy that they have managed to stay in business for over 40 years. I’ve gone here with my mom a couple of times as an adult who appreciates good food, and still really like the place. They have a great variety of foods and great prices. I’m thrilled that they sell local produce and get people out of Safeway and Albertsons and into real, healthy food.